“Don't just make an income.
Make an impact.”
Kenneth Todd
My life drastically changed when a friend shared essential oils with me and asked if I wanted to launch an essential oil business with her. That decision was one of the best decisions of my entire life!
Here's what it did for me:
I got to work mainly from home and still be with my kids
I got to set my office hours rather than reporting to a boss
I feel in love with work again. Work felt like play. I was getting paid to help others on their healing journey and it felt great to be "that person" in their lives who made a difference
I discovered strengths and talents I didn't know I had
My coaching practice flourished as my clients saw even more drastic results and my oil business brought in an additional stream of income
I stopped trading time for money and created wealth (the kind that you make while you sleep)
I retired in my 30's to pursue my greater passions and contribution
I found life-long friends and incredible mentors who shaped me for the better
I stopped playing small and showed up to be an agent of positive change in the world - the way I dreamed I could
The response to these amazing products has been overwhelming and I have only just begun. My business partners change the way people live, think and experience life. Their stories and impact are incredible and I am so proud of the work they do in the world.

"One night two and a half years ago, I was blindly staring out the window doing dishes feeling sorry for myself. Nothing made me smile. I was going through the motions of motherhood and daily life, just BLAH. I thought to myself, "This is not me. This is not who I am. I am happy. I am positive. I have to make a change consciously. Only I can heal myself."
I started scrolling on Insta and saw a good friend's post that said: "leadership position available." I took a screenshot of it on my phone (which I still have) as I knew at that moment, it was my saving grace. It was how I was going to get back to "me" and heal my mind, body, spirit.
I dove into natural healthcare and fully entrenched myself daily. I'd stay up super late, reading books and educating myself on these oils, planning out my posts to my oil community that didn't even exist yet. I found a light in my soul that I thought had been gone out forever. I found me. The real me. I had a new purpose, and this purpose not only would help other people but save me. I am happy. I am truly HAPPY. We have every opportunity to lead a life that we want to live. Sometimes you have to dig deeper than you ever thought, but you can find your way out of the dark. You can find your HAPPY. I am blessed."
Meredith Reiley, doTERRA Diamond Wellness Advocate
It's important that this business partnership is the right fit.
I want to explore a possible partnership with you IF ANY of these things ring true. You:
Want to create an amazing residual income doing what you love
Are a natural leader and achiever, like to have goals and are not afraid to go after them
Want to be a part of a global community of ethical, heart-centered, wellness-minded entrepreneurs
Enjoy personal and leadership development and mentoring others
Are a life or health coach or have a wellness practice that you desire to expand and monetize
Have social influence with an online following
Have a good rapport with people
Love people and they love and trust you
Enjoy building businesses, are a business professional, or want to be in business for yourself
Want top-notch wellness products, education, and support for yourself, your family and your clients
Like to have fun, and you are fun to be with (cause I think partnerships should be fun)
This will NOT be a good fit if you:
Are looking for a get rich quick scheme
Have zero work ethic
Have a "me first" attitude and aren't sincerely interested in helping others
Are NOT teachable and NOT a team player
Are not willing or unable to invest in your own health by maintaining a 100 PV monthly order requirement to earn commissions
Are not willing to try new things and get out of your comfort zone
Refuse to set goals and need to be constantly motivated
Aren't interested in building your business, but having someone else build it for you for free
Have an active doTERRA account on another team (this means you are ordering product regularly)

Who does well at this? Inspiring, cause-driven, everyday people (people just like you), who want to make a difference. Our global team is made up of thousands throughout the world who are:
stay at home moms
social media influencers
life and health coaches
health care professionals (holistic and traditional)
business owners
spa directors and massage therapist
hospice organizations
yoga instructors
professional chefs
network marketers
professional opera singers and dancers
Olympic athletes and sports teams
police officers
And so many others looking for exceptional health options for everyday needs
I have found that your background doesn't matter as much as your intention and desires for your future and for the future of the people you will impact because you said "yes" to something more.

When you enroll with a kit and join my team as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate you gain access to:
The world's finest essential oils and wellness products
A powerful partnership with an award-winning company
Personal and group business coaching with me and my top-ranked leaders
Exclusive live calls, webinars, promotions, and training events
Private access to our team's website with online courses (valued at over $1000) including:
Essential Oil Business Bootcamp
Train by Rank Business Mastery
30 Days of Mentor Calls
30 Days of Mindset Calls
Essential Oil Home Expert
And much more!!!
Membership to our team's private Facebook group ($500 value)
A welcome box from me with my favorite gifts and resources to help you launch your business delivered to your home ($30 value)
BONUS: When you join my team, you get to be apart of our team's Healing Hands initiative to prevent human trafficking and alleviate poverty through micro-lending in Madagascar. A portion of the proceeds of my business goes to support the Elevatus Foundation
Get started right away by getting an essential oil starter kit.
Email support@kalliwilson.com to let my team know you're onboard and ready to go.
Check our family's video that documents one year in the life of our doTERRA adventure. Although we do work primarily from home, our adventures took us around the world sharing precious essential oils with people who were ready and waiting.
We started an essential oil business because my husband was struggling with health issues, our small piano business tanked, and we needed a new income - FAST. I had to do something to support our family, but I had three young children at home that I didn't want to leave for 40+ hours a week. I was desperate for change.
I wanted a business that I could run mainly from home that could create a residual income – the type of money you make while you sleep or are on vacation.
Why? My husband and I had big plans and dreams. We didn't want to be locked down to a 9-5. We didn't want to be "in trouble" if another family crisis made it impossible for my husband or me to work. We wanted a solid back-up plan for our children's sake. We also didn't want a cap on the income and impact we could make.
Guess what happened? My friend Melissa Cannon gave us a precious gift. She told us about doTERRA. Even though I was skeptical at first, I told her I would try the products. They help my husband and my children so much. We were wowed! We were clueless and had no idea the difference essential oils could make when used right.
I vowed I would NEVER do the business, but I couldn't help but share the oil experiences we were having with my parents, sisters, and friends. Soon they were asking how to get doTERRA products in their homes too.
Sharing came so naturally that I decided to look at the business opportunity. It checked out. Everything about the company and the compensation plan was spot-on. It met all of our business requirements – almost as if it had been perfectly packaged just for us.
I attended the annual doTERRA Convention and knew in my heart that we could make a difference in the world. I invited others to join me. My business began to grow, flourish, and spread across the globe.
What started as just a dream, became so much more than we had ever hoped or envisioned! We worked hard, remained focused, and achieved the sales rank of Presidential Diamonds (the highest sales rank in the company). Our leaders became outstanding wellness educators, business mentors, and mind-set coaches training multiple times at the international corporate level.
When you love what you do, work is play and play is work.
My team knows what it takes to be wildly successful at this. If you have similar vision, passion, work ethic, and are highly cause-driven to help other people progress, reach out. We want to know you. Let's see what good in the world we can create together. It is time to have some FUN!
Reach out by applying below and email support@kalliwilson.com.